HI VOLUNTEERS! Thank you for registering - it means the world to us that you want to help us provide a fun experience for the community!
Below are some helpful tips for preparation leading up to the event. We'll reach out to you with specifics via email, and update this page with more details beginning the week of November 27th. We're so grateful for your help and want you to know - YOU ROCK!
volunteer SHIFTS
MORNING SHIFT - 9 a.m. to 12 Noon
AFTERNOON SHIFT = 12 Noon to 4 p.m.
Please arrive at the FESTIVAL ENTRANCE ( see the purple star on the map) and you'll receive a lanyard and instructions from there.
Parking for Volunteers is TBA - stay tuned to this page for further updates.
Dress casually in comfortable clothes and comfortable shoes.
We’ll be outdoors most of the day, and while there are plenty of shade trees on the site and the weather tends to be cooler in December, if you are prone to sunburn, wear sunscreen and/or bring a hat.
Reach out to us at for questions.